LION Distribution (deprecated)
$LION distribution has been removed from the BOARDROOM. It doesn't work anymore and we highly encourage people to unstake from the BOARDROOM and move $TIGERs in the new Single Stake.
That said, if $LION does go over the peg we will manually distribute $LIONs to Single Stake with a lower distribution.
At the beginning of every epoch, if the time weighted average price (TWAP) of LION is greater than 1.01, new LION will be minted in Scrub. The amount of new LION distributed depends on the current circulating supply of LION
Circulating Supply LION Minted:
Up to 2,000,000 4% expansion
Up to 3,000,000 3% expansion
Up to 6,000,000 2.25% expansion
Up to 12,000,000 1.5% expansion
Up to 18,000,000 1% expansion
Up to 24,000,000 0.75% expansion
Up to 60,000,000 0.5% expansion
60,000,000+ 0.4% expansion
This page was last edited on: December 3rd, 2022
Last updated