Gen2 Tiger NFTs
The third NFT collection is going to be released on March 18th and will be sold through two phases: Whitelist phase and Public mint phase.
Gen2 total supply of 1200 NFTs will be minted.
To see all the NFTs, stake, or bid to buy one go here:
Be sure to be connected to the KAVA network. Staking Gen2 NFTs will act as a $100 LP which will allow holders to gain every 24 hours a portion of:
$TIGERs coming from the farm rewards.
Every sell of LIONs has a 5% of tax and 20% of this goes directly in wallet of Gen2 stakers.
Every sell of BEARs has a 5% of tax and 50% of this goes directly in wallet of Gen2 stakers.
The day we will mint who holds 3 Gen0 or multiple will have a free mint and who holds 5 Gen1 or his multiple will receive a free mint too.
This page was last edited on: March 10th, 2023
Last updated